Whats LSE?

The London Stock Exchange, abbreviated LSE, is currently the third-largest stock exchange in the world by market capitalization. In December 2014, the market capitalization of the LSE was the equivalent of 6.06 trillion USD. The only two exchanges larger than LSE by this measurement is the New York Stock Exchange and NASDAQ. This means that LSE is the largest exchange in Europe, ahead of both Euronext and Deutsche Börse.

The London Stock Exchange is located in the City of London, England, United Kingdom. You will find the exchange building in Paternoster Square, near the famous St Paul’s Cathedral.

The currency used for trading at the LSE is the Pound Sterling (GBP).

lseTrading hours and days

  • Trade reporting 07:15–07:50.
  • Opening auction 07:50–08:00.
  • Continuous trading 08:00–16:30.
  • Closing auction 16:30–16:35.
  • Order maintenance 16:35–17:00.
  • Trade reporting only 17:00–17:15.

All times are GTM (with daylight savings time observed).

The exchange is closed on Saturdays and Sundays, and on British holidays announced by the exchange in advance.

Examples of British holidays when the exchange is normally closed:

  • New Year’s Day
  • Good Friday
  • Easter Monday
  • May Bank Holiday
  • Spring Bank Holiday
  • Summer Bank Holiday
  • Christmas Day

Trading platform

The LSE utilized a proprietary Linux-based trading platform named Millennium Exchange.

Post trade

LSE trades are cleared on LCH.Clearnet, a European-based clearing house serving several major international exchanges as well as a range of OTC markets.

The London Stock Exchange Group (owner of the LSE) also offers clearing and settlement services through Cassa di Compensazione e Garanzia and Monte Titoli.


Examples of well-known indices tracking the LSE:

  • FTSE 100 Index
  • FTSE 250 Index
  • FTSE 350 Index
  • FTSE Small Cap Index
  • FTSE All-Share Index

This article was last updated on: January 18, 2016